Thursday, November 1, 2012

I Like It Hot

The next morning, Pearl walked out of the bathroom all fresh and ready for the day and in to the kitchen. "Good morn- Lilly!"

"What?" "Have you no shame!? Walking around in your underwear like that?" "Pfft, I used to walk around in my pj's all the time." Pearl frowned. "Yes but they weren't underwear!"

Lilly rolled her eyes. "What ever, it's too freakin' hot outside." "We do have windows and neighbors you know..." Lilly laughed. "Then let them see! I don't care! Like I said, it's too freakin' hot!"

After breakfast, Lilly spoke in a mocking, excited tone. "You know...! We could use that money we got from the casino to... I don't know... Get air conditioning!?"

Pearl didn't even look up from her newspaper. "It's not that hot out, open a window. Besides, I had plans for that money to expand the living room a little and add some much needed things. Like a dinning table to the kitchen." Lilly groaned. "But it's hooot..."

Pearl left Lilly's whining for a little while to continue writing her book. However she couldn't really concentrate, and it wasn't because of Lilly having the television on. She kept thinking about that charming Mr. Hendrix.

Finally she decided to take a chance and call him. "H-hello... Jacyen...? It's me Pearl... We met at the pool last night?" "My darling gem, is that really you? You sound sweeter than I remember." Pearl blushed.

"My dear, I just got off work and I'm down at the park. Would you care to join me?" Pearl nearly squealed from excitement. "I would love to!"

Lilly called out from the living room. "Pearl? Who's that?" She paused. "It's mom..!" Pearl quickly whispered to Jaycen. "I'll see you there..."

Pearl hung up and quickly poked her head in to the living room. "Hey Lilly, I'm going to go out for a little bit. You'll be okay on your own right? See ya!"

As Pearl ran out the door, Lilly called out to her. "Pearl! What has gotten in to her..."

Pearl made it to the park to see Jacyen's dazzling smile greeting her. "Hello my gem. I'm glad you could make it."

Pearl smiled bashfully and nodded as she was at a loss for words.

"Why don't you and I hit the town, have a little fun huh? The other community pool down the way has some hot tubs we could relax in." "Th-that sounds like fun!"

Really, Pearl was nervous. No one had ever seen her in her swimsuit, let alone a guy.

Pearl quickly got changed first and got in to the hot tub. When she saw Jacyen, she felt as though she could die. Look at that body!

After scooting next to him, she slowly began to relax. "So, you said you and your sister are new here?" "Yeah, brand new. Just moved in a few days ago. My sister's not too thrilled about the place but I like it here." She sat back and smiled at Jacyen.

After a few minutes, Pearl decided to try a bold move and put her arm around Jaycen.

He was very receptive and leaned against her. Pearl's heart was doing a mile a minute. This was fantastic! He was handsome, charming, and quite the flirt. He was perfect! Just then her thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl from her stomach. Jaycen laughed. "Why don't we get a bite to eat at the dinner next door." Pearl blushed and nodded.

It was quite late after they were finished with dinner and Pearl decided to head home. "Good night, Jacyen.. I had a great time." He winked at her. "As did I. Hopefully we can do it again real soon, hmm?"

Pearl was quiet the following morning as she did the dishes, her thoughts on Jacyen. "Man I'm bored..." "Hmm... Well instead of sitting around the house watching TV in your underwear, you could get a job..." Pearl glanced back at Lilly where she was sitting at their new table. "Pfft, that's what I'm looking for! I'm going to be a scientist." Pearl snorted. "Oh lordy, your going to blow up the town with some mad experiment."

Later, Lilly got a book to read while Pearl finished writing her current book. "You know what I like about you being a writer?" "Mmm?" "We'll have more new books to read.... We'll I will since you already know what they're about." Lilly looked up from her book. "Speaking of new books. There are a few skill books I'd like to get." Pearl waved her hand as she completed her book. "I'll go get them. I have to stop by city hall anyway to register as a writer now that I have a book completed."

Pearl did just that and went down to city hall to register.

Afterward she went down to the bookstore to pick up the list of books Lilly wanted. She was able to get most of them but not all since they were on a tight budget now what with the renovations on the house.

After she left the bookstore, she decided to do something daring and head over to Jaycen's. Perhaps he'd let her stay over in his fancy house.

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